The Conscious of The Music World

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Indie Music Artist and Hot New Author Calvin Walker Strives To Go Worldwide

 Excerpt from his profile: 

In a way, this is Calvin formally coming out as a novelist. He has been writing for years. Since he was a child, he has had a love for words and His word.

He attributes his love for writing to greats like William Shakespeare, King Solomon, James Baldwin, Edgar Allen Poe, E. Lynn Harris, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovani, Alex Haley and various others.

In 2007, Calvin Walker was offered a column, Path Words, with online Christian magazine Path Magazine. Since then he's become the editor of the newsletter for an upcoming artist by the name of Titus Glenn.

He has also been blessed with gift of songwriting, and is currently shopping songs to artists and recently got a placement on a major project.

Calvin is excited to announce his debut novel entitled "The Gallery." The feedback from early reads of the manuscript, hint that the world is in for a treat. The book offers a fresh point of view on subjects like: parental neglect, relationship with God, suicide and the ever taboo subject of homosexuality in the context of religion. "The Gallery" is a self-published effort.

You can pick up the book at

INTERVIEW WITH---------------

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